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Unsurprisingly, after the last presidential debate there have been many folk shouting for President Biden to step down and let a new reality attempt to grab the presidency. It’s quite understandable.
I hate that it’s about age, because there are so many people as old if not older than Biden who are killing it. They can do almost anything. And probably should! But those who denied that he was losing his step simply cannot deny it any longer, and now they’re desperately trying to figure out what to do next.
Kamala Harris as the First Female President

There’s an obvious way to go about this. The powers that be can attempt to invoke the 25th amendment, declaring Biden unfit to continue serving the nation as president. Kamala Harris would then assume the presidency and would likely oppose Donald Trump in the upcoming election.
And I think it’s a wildly bad idea.
Because Kamala Harris is a woman.
But before you seethe with anger and punch me in the face through your computer screen, please hear me out for a second.
Celebration of Progress

Having a woman president would be a tremendous milestone. Anyone with a shred of knowledge of the history of the United States understands that this would be no simple achievement. I remember when Obama was elected. I wasn’t a fan of his politics or his speaking style, despite everyone around me raving about every word that left his mouth. But I got swept up in the excitement. America had made progress that was hundreds of years in the making. Progress the whole world could acknowledge as monumental.
And a female president would be just as glorious, if not more so.
But how we get there is important too.
There is no part of me opposed to the concept of a woman president. Or any race, religion, or any group out there. I’d like a decent person with good ideas. And that is certainly not dependent on externalities. There are great and crappy people in every group.
But there are two very strong reasons I believe Biden stepping down and handing the presidency over to Harris is a terrible, very shortsighted idea.
Wildly Unpopular

The first reasons is that Kamala Harris is wildly unpopular. Besides the fact that she was very much not chosen to run for president in 2020, partially because of a poor debate performance and getting dismantled by Tulsi Gabbard, she has been a very lackluster Vice President. From my limited perspective, she was given one task in the past several years, and she botched it. More than anything, she has been silent and barely noticed, popping out on occasion to create cringy and unimpressive Channukah videos.
The United States of America absolutely could and should have a woman president. But its first female president should be someone glorious. Someone impressive. Someone we can all look back at with immense pride.
But that’s small in comparison to the second reason I think it’s a bad idea.
Take the Presidency

Several years ago a friend of mine posted about how men should step aside and give women a turn to run the country. I took issue with this idea. And my issue has nothing to do with opposition to a woman president. Quite the opposite, in fact. First off, there are plenty of crappy women in the world, just like there are crappy men in the world. I don’t want a female president. I want a good president. Making everything about gender is a big mistake.
But more than that, women shouldn’t be given anything. If they want the presidency, they should take it! And they have all the means in the world to do so.
Ronda Rousey and Caitlyn Clark

When I think about a woman president, I can’t help but think about women’s sports. I’ll never forget the first time a women’s fight was the main event for a major UFC event. I watched it live from a sports bar in Kansas City… standing in the back because there was a three-hour wait to get a seat.
How did Ronda Rousey gain her fame and fortune? Talent, hard work, and a unique and interesting personality. She shocked everyone with exciting fights and powerful interviews. And before you knew it, she was on top of the world. She was a household name. She was dominating the world of combat sports. Before then, this was unthinkable. And now women’s fighting is an integral part of the Mixed Martial Arts world.
The whole world is watching Caitlyn Clark and her meteoric rise to fame. Did she get there because some men decided the time had come to give the lady folk a chance? Was she handed her success on a silver platter? Not at all. She performed outstandingly well, and continues to do so. And her charming and humble personality create a total package that yanks people to stadiums to watch WNBA games, something that for many sounds like a giant joke.
A Greater Goal

We’re in it to win it in this world. I don’t want a female president who was handed her job and is hated by all American society, who is later replaced by a male. I want a foundation laid where female presidents are normal. Commonplace. Not a fluke situation that results in not having another female president for another century.
Ultimately there are two ways to get to the presidency that make sense to me. The best is to earn it. To have the best candidate, who wows the American population and makes the choice easy for the masses.
But there’s always option number two: Take the presidency!
Don’t be a Default

Like many, I find it annoying hearing women complain about the lack of viewership of women’s sports. Who exactly are you complaining about? Last I checked, at least half of the American population is female. If no one’s coming out to watch the WNBA, you only have yourselves to blame. You’re either not watching sports at all, or you’re also only watching the men’s sports. You can’t fault men for their preferences, especially if you agree with them.
So if you want female sports to take over, you know where to click. You know where to buy tickets. Take over the industry. You have the numbers to make anything happen.
And if you want the presidency, take that too!
But for God’s sake, don’t allow the first female in the Oval Office to get there by default. That does little to nothing to advance this world forward.