Table of Contents
This past weekend I had a very crazy and unforgettable moment with one of my daughters. She was in a terrible mood, due mostly to the ever-present fighting with her sister. So we split up into separate groups, and I walked holding my precious daughter’s hand.
We had a beautiful and fascinating conversation about bullying. She was as attentive as I’ve ever seen her. Impressively so.
We started walking across a major street in Jerusalem. I began crossing the middle section. When all of a sudden I heard my daughter shriek, “Aaaaaabba!!” And I felt her tugging on my arm as hard as can be.
I looked at her confused, and then turned around to see a huge bus passing the spot where I was standing just a split second earlier. It took me a moment to collect my thoughts, and clear the fog roaming through my head. And when I did, I realized what I had done.
The Jaywalker
I crossed the street on the red. I am a typical New Yorker, at least in that jaywalking is something that I think all human beings should do and do freely. And I’m also typical in that I’m usually extremely careful. I always look both ways, even on a one-way street. I trust no one.
And in 42 years, I’ve done so without a hitch. But this time was slightly different. I was sleepy, first and foremost. And it was Shabbat, so there were hardly a lot of vehicles to begin with. I wasn’t paying great attention, since I was so thoroughly engaged in the conversation with my daughter. But most importantly, I had for a split-second forgotten that this part of the street had two-way traffic.
And there I was, nonchalantly stepping into an empty street… right in front of a bus that was making a turn.
The Forever Hug
When I finally realized what was going on, I grabbed my daughter, and we hugged for what felt like an eternity. I didn’t want to stop. I was bizarrely calm. But she had tears running down her face and was shaking like a leaf.
And thus became the theme of the next 24 hours or so. My gorgeous daughter clung to me like never before. And every time her mind gave her a moment to think, the tears came back.
This was a special moment for me, on so many levels. One I expect to someday reminisce about with my daughter’s children. Here are five takeaways from my brush with danger, and my child’s amazing instinctual reaction:
1) My Daughter Loves Me A LOT
Kids complain. They complain a lot. And it could take years before they develop essential life perspectives, like empathy and priorities. And because of all that, it’s very easy to forget how important you are to them as a parent.
This moment gave me some perspective I would not have otherwise. My girl can be challenging sometimes. And sometimes the way she acts can make me feel like she doesn’t even want me in her life at all, God forbid.
But that shriek and passionate tug on my arm erased years of trying to cope with all the complications. She loves me. She really, really does. And she couldn’t fathom a world without me in it.
2) Laden with Blessings
Listen: I’m not going to say you should wander in front of a bus in order to see how it impacts your relationship with your children.
However, I can’t deny that something was different after the incident, and something undeniably positive.
Throughout the weekend she wanted to hold my hand every free moment she had. And something felt qualitatively different than when she held my hand in the past. It was filled with more love, more admiration and appreciation.
I love my daughter with a passion. But this is the closest we’ve ever felt to one another.
3) How Quickly Roles Can Shift
I am a typical father. I am grossly protective of my children, and would unthinkingly fight to the death to protect any one of them.
It’s just an innate sense. I must be there for them in every way. It is my duty in this world to keep them safe at all times.
And in one quick moment, the tide can turn. My wife and I spent the weekend assuring my precious 9-year-old that even when she wasn’t watching my back, I was safe. She needed to know at all times that even when I was out of sight, I was being careful, and there were others making sure I was out of harms way.
It is beyond humbling when your own child needs to be the one protecting you.
It is beyond humbling when your own child needs to be the one protecting you. Share on X4) Surprises Lurking behind Every Corner
I’ll be honest. My daughter acted with efficiency and speed. Her reaction time was flawless. And I’m not sure I could have predicted things happening the way they did. She rose to the occasion, exceeding expectations.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. This is the same little girl who I recall a whole five years earlier charming every person she met. I’ll never forget our time in the airport on our way to New York. She would sit down next to a perfect stranger and start asking questions. At first, they’d be annoyed, and wished to return to their newspaper. Within 30 seconds the newspaper was set down next to them, and they were fully engaged in conversation. The same scenario happened several times!
To this day, the same daughter makes new best friends everywhere she goes. And instantly.
This little angel is not one to be underestimated. Ever!
5) Something’s Different Now
I can’t quite put my finger on it. Words are failing me to express what’s different today than yesterday. However, it’s clear to me that something has changed. Perhaps I’ll understand at some point, perhaps I’ll never quite grasp it.
This is not my first brush with danger. It’s not the first time where I looked back and said I was inches from death. But it is most certainly the first time that the danger was averted at the hands of my very own daughter.
I am humbled.
I am grateful.
And I am ecstatic to continue using my gift of life.

Ahhhhhhh,this is such a poignant,heartrending story about your experience together-such an unconditional,infinite love she has for you,and wants you always to be safe. May your deep boundless love for one another continue forever and be keenly felt every moment of your lives,in each new chapter,beyond the galaxies!!!As we are so aware,especially after reading what you just wrote,that the parent-child bond was designed by Hashem Whose love is supernatural,infinite,abundant,and more than we can ever take in. Shana Tovah,Rabbi Yitzchak and Devorah Leah-sending you love and wishes for excellent health,prosperity,and much time with your precious children!!!!
This is my dad i love him so much